Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DESIGN PART 1 Development

These are the initial sketches for.

Name: Goodwind Goblin
Job: Pediatrician
Class: Warrior


Goodwind is a Goblin warrior pediatrician with no formal doctor experience. He was formally a professional soldier but switched professions recently after discovering some doctor belongings. He's not very bright and is quick to temper. Cures through brute force bludgeoning. Hasn't officially cured a patient. Is none the less a good natured goblin. Despite being somewhat dull is creative in unconventional ways. Might be into self injections.


  1. Aaron, I like the looks alot - especially the following:

    Top row end 2
    Middle Row - 2nd and 6th
    Third row - 2nd warrior

  2. love the wooden sandals and hand puppets, nice touch

  3. I definitely agree with the 2nd row 6th one. The spine hanging out is a real eye catcher. Nicely done with the little details like having needles in the shoulder.
